[Event Registered] Career Workshop -Risk Management by EY Consulting

Do you know that in the era of information explosion, risks are omnipresent, but how should companies manage risk?
This time, we invite the one of the BIG FOUR accounting firms, Ernst & Young, to take you from the perspective of risk control and understand the methods of risk management.
This lecture combines information systems and risk management, allowing students to get a glimpse of what kind of professional knowledge is hidden behind the mystery of risk management under the sharing of the lecturer, also, to understand the true appearance of the industry!
Wish to know more about consulting and interact with real consultants? We offer pastries and welcome you sincerely! So, don't hesitate, and sign up the form below!

Time: 4/12(一)18:30 - 20:30 ( 18:15 open for admission)

Location: IB-304

  18:30 - 19:15 Lecture
  19:15 - 19:25 Break time
  19:25 - 20:10 Lecture
  20:10 - 20:30 QA

Host:iMBA Student Association, College of Management

